Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 36 10

Staff members

dr hab. Wiesław Wacławczyk, NCU Prof.
University Professor
Department of Communication, Media and Journalism, Institute of Information and Communication Research

room no: 116, Coll. Minus, Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: 56 611 36 37
ORCID: 0000-0002-9449-0615

freedom of speech and other civil liberties; human rights narratives; history of the media; the question of truth in journalism; theories of communication

Office Hours:
Konsultacje w semestrze letnim 2024/2025 odbywają się:
Stacjonarnie - w piątki od 10:30 do 11.15., p. 116, Fosa Staromiejska 1a (Harmonijka)

In the summer term of 2025, consultations will be held on Fridays between10:30 and 11:15 in Room 116.

See profile in Research Portal